The Activities Department Staff is grateful to Roman Eagle’s facility family for participating in its 105th Anniversary Celebration event in November - A “Thanksgiving of Blessings” Writing Contest for Residents, Employees, Family Members and Volunteers. Brenda C. Walker, ADC, AAP-BC, CDP, Activities Director/Volunteer Coordinator awarded the following “Thanksgiving of Blessings” Writing Contest winners’ their prizes on November 30. Relax with a cup of hot chocolate and enjoy reading the Writing Contest winners’ articles with their prizes noted.
- Deborah M.
Sheila Foster
My first thought when admitted to Roman Eagle was that this is the beginning to an end, but since living months here, I’ve come to find myself a lot more independent than I was before. Living here has given me a second chance at life. Since living here, I have taken advantage of Roman Eagle’s Physical Therapy Department which has given me a new lease on walking. Before I came to live at Roman Eagle, I had not walked in six years. After living here for two months, I began to walk. I’ve also had the pleasure of becoming a part of a community of caring and sharing people. Living here is like our own town, but a different world. My acquaintance with the staff has become a part of my family. Living here has personally given me a sense of confidence about myself that I thought had vanished. So, my advice to you is if you look deep and hard inside of yourself, you’ll find you are happy right here at Roman Eagle.” Elsie Falden was awarded a basket of items from Karen’s Hallmark Shop. - Resident, Elsie Falden
- Lois T.
Jonathan West
“Blessings little or small, I welcome them all. I have encountered so many moments that just take my breath away. They could be simple gestures, looks, words, and now, Thank You, Lord - HUGS! On the drive to work, I may be failing weary, and out of sorts, but, when I come through the doors, I realize the special blessings I have each and every day. It could be the simplest of things to a huge need that will either bring a great day, or a bad day. I can make a difference, and that is a blessing. The greetings, smiles, most important, I feel needed, and to feel needed is the greatest gift of all. Life is too short to dwell on what I can’t do, so I focus on what I can do to make an impact on someone who just needs to be heard and appreciated. Isn’t that what we all want and need? Thank you to my “Special” Angels in Heaven who guide and always support me. Blessings little or small, I welcome them all.” Peggy Hale was awarded one hundred dollars in cash. - Employee, Peggy Hale, Assistant Activities Director
- Irene B.
Lena Smith
“Coming to Roman Eagle started out being scary, but a step we knew we had to take. The first day moving in seems like a long time ago. I was expecting to get calls from Mom with her crying, and demanding to come home, but no calls ever occurred. To our surprise, Mom was happy. She started fixing her hair again. Her agitation left. We could not believe it! Then her roommate became her friend. They watch over each other. Our family has been blessed! We could never thank all the caregivers that have changed our lives, and most of all, her life too! Mom tells me, ‘This is my home. I am happy, and they take good care of me, and I want you to go back and live your life with your grandchildren, because I am happy at Roman Eagle.’ ” Gene Saunders was awarded a basket of items from The Gingerbread House. - Family Member, Gene Saunders
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“I started coming to Roman Eagle in December of 2012 when my mother, Louise Martin, was admitted as a resident. Since I was at Roman Eagle a lot, I decided to join the Volunteer “We Care” Committee when I was asked to do so. I wanted to join the Volunteer “We Care” Committee, because I saw the loneliness of residents, yet also saw their smiling faces when someone in the Activities Department took time with them, and when other volunteers too read to them and visited with them. My volunteering has brought me great joy! To see the residents’ faces light up when I visit, or sing, or play the piano, or cut-up with them and make them laugh, just blesses my heart. I love the residents’ hearts, and I love people. It’s amazing what a blessing you receive when you bless others.” Anita Newton was awarded a Hobby Lobby fifty-dollar gift card. - Volunteer, Anita Newton